5 Reasons That Prove Romila Thapar Is Arguably The Biggest Thug In History Of India
Romila Thapar, a cousin of pro-Congress journalist Karan Thapar, belongs to the tribe of the so-called “Eminent Historians” who claim to be holier than thou, has a political agenda and doesn’t hesitate to shoot the holders of viewpoints different from her, not by proofs but by mere name-calling in the typical Marxist fashion.
Though on Twitter & other Social Media Romila Thapar has been exposed multiple times, in the outside world, she still enjoys clout as a respected Historian. Her books are used by UPSC civil servant aspirants, CBSE syllabus makers & many budding historians for a reference. Due to which her lies are spread faster than we can imagine. Since in one article it is difficult to cover all her lies, hence we are making a short list of some of her prominent distortions of history:
1) Denied existence of Ram Temple at Ayodhya at Ramjanmbhumi (for which she virtually got Slap from Supreme Court)
In a guest column in The Hindu (2 Oct. 2010: “The verdict on Ayodhya, a historian’s opinion”), Prof. Romila Thapar claimed that the ASI findings had been “disputed”.
Though Romila was heee disputing ASI findings at site of Ramjanmbhumi , interesting to note that other liberal historians (ref- ‘The Pioneer ,“What lies ahead”, 27 Aug. 2003) not only had acknowledged the ASI’s findings,but also rejected the allegations of bias and fabrication against the ASI.
2) Pandavas born out of an illegitimate sexual union between Durvasa and Kunti
Though Distortions like Romila minces no words to dismiss Mahabharata as ‘collection of mere myths, in the same breadth she has the audacity to say Pandavas born out of an illegitimate sexual union between Durvasa and Kunti.
In her book – Texts, Readings, Histories, Romila Thapar made the following claims :

The real tragedy is that nothing in the epic even remotely hints at such a relationship. And Thapar knows no Sanskrit in the first place.
Leading western Indologist Michael Witzel dismissed Romila Thapar’s work as ‘mere excerpts from outdated works’

3) Claimed that Harwan was a Buddhist site:
Romila had to eat their words when a rare ‘ek mukh linga’ idol of Lord Shiva has been unearthed at Harwan, Kashmir valley in September 2017
https://m.tribuneindia.com/ article/rare-shiva-idol- unearthed/472334/amp#click= https://t.co/91QKnOMMn4
Imagine if a tomb-like structure had found in the same place, the whole land would be demarcated to Muslims. There wasn’t any prominent media coverage regarding this 6th century AD old idol as this was a slap to those who don’t believe J&K is an integral part of India. We can expect More archaeological activities will unearth many more proofs of the presence of Hindus in J&K since ancient times, corroborating Veda & Puranas.
4) Aryan invasion theory:
In her history books, she has placed massive emphasis on this idea of Hindus actually having an Aryan Identity

Notice how there is a massive emphasis on “Aryans arriving in India”. No reference to it being a theory, no reference to there being massive evidence against it. Just a bold assertion. As though that was not enough, she goes on to say that we apparently worshipped different Gods.
A 15 years old teen has exposed her lies left, right & centre in the following article and she is yet to come up with a decent reply to it
http://www.opindia.com/2018/ 03/no-ms-romila-thapar-even- to-a-15-year-old-student-like- me-you-dont-make-sense/
5) The concept of Dharma was introduced by Asoka Maurya
Romila tried to peddle the above lie just to discredit much older ancient Indic contribution to define Dharma.
In a conference hosted by Indian Council of Historical Research to correct “distortions” in Indian history, Professor Ramachandran Nagaswamy, who criticised the distortion of the concept of secularism, which, he said, these days has come to mean “anti-Hinduism”.
Dharma, Nagaswamy said, is a thought older than Asoka and is found in teachings of Buddha and Manu.
“Historians like Romila Thapar hold a view that Asoka expounded an idea new to Indian political and social theory, that Asoka did not see dharma resulting from the good deeds that were inspired by formal religious beliefs but as conformity to social ethics. According to these historians, Asoka’s dharma is not Buddhist in nature but it was a new and original idea to which he gave a definition. It is a distorted idea as Asoka himself repeatedly says (in his edicts) that what he thought was not his own, but the ancient Paurani Prakriti,” he said.
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